Friday, September 24, 2010

Texas School Board Proposes Textbook Ban

Texas State school board proposes a ban on "pro-Islamic" and "anti-Christian" textbooks.  If you read the story, you will find that they feel too much of the book is spent on Muslim heritage, and not enough on Christian heritage.

In fact, the author of the proposal, Mr. Randy Rives, says that Muslim conquest is sugar-coated while the Crusades are painted brutally in some texts.

Seriously?  Are we really going to act like two year olds?  Pointing the finger saying "Well, Johnny was the one who threw the cat out the window!"  While Johnny says, "Bobby came up with the whole idea!"

Why don't we just admit that religions have been used for terrible violent things on both sides and not get into keeping score.

Also, these are books read by American students.  Part of the reason they DON'T NEED equal time spent discussing Christian history is that there are 3 churches right down the street from where they read the textbook.  We have accessibility to Christian culture, we don't necessarily have it to Muslim culture.

Next thing you know, we will have a ban on math books that spend too much time discussing Arab based Algebra and not enough time talking about  Western Anglo-Saxon Calculus.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A New Humanity: What Science and Religion Can Tell Us About Community

A recent study into the lives and attitudes of theists and atheists conducted by Ara Norenzayan and Azim Shariff found that the social attribute of “niceness” might be caused by the feeling of being watched.

For theists, this comes from the idea that God might be with us every step of the way, and therefore, what you do matters because He has seen it and may be judgmental or affirming.  For atheists, the “niceness” falls out the window, because they don’t have that “angel on my shoulder” feeling.

However, an analysis of the study that I found on Slate poses a different hypothesis.  By investigating the “niceness” of developed secular nations, Paul Bloom comes to the conclusion that “niceness” doesn’t come from the feeling of being watched by an omnipotent being, but rather from the reality of community around us.

Theists then are happier and more amicable simply because they feel they are part of a larger community.  Atheists frequently feel detached from meaningful social circles and could therefore be more upset and volatile.  It is not then, belief in God that makes you a “good person” but rather being in community.

Certainly, these ideas are caricatures.  We can all think of atheists who are fun-loving, great people and we can all name some miserable theists.  But, as it turns out there could be a trend here.  Miserable theists could for some reason not feel welcomed in their faith communities.  And happy-go-lucky atheists could be a part of a strong friend-group, which serves them as a communal resource.

My perspective of this study tells me one thing for certain.  If Christians want to be an integral part of society and begin affecting change in the lives of those around them, we must simply open our hearts.

I know that most churches have an open door policy.  Most churches will physically allow someone new off the street into their service.  They will let them sit in the pew and they will let them drink the coffee. 

But is that the standard of a welcoming policy? An unlocked door, a pew to sit in and some coffee?

Of course it is not, and I know of some church communities who set the bar much higher.  They ARE openly welcoming to a new member of the congregate.

But, I know of some churches that are not.  I know of parishioners who hate it when new people come and take their pew accidentally.  I know of parishioners who are comfortable with the community they have and are not interested in bringing new people into the fold.

I think it would be good for our society to feel more welcomed in church communities.  This means stop judging, this means calm your preaching, and this means above all else, start loving.

People who come to church for the first time don’t need to have a break-down-cry-run-to-the-altar-confess-all-sins- experience.  We shouldn’t aim for that.  We should aim for a Christ-like embrace that doesn’t point out their sins or expect their conversion.  We should give them COMMUNITY.

Paul writes in Ephesians, “Christ is our peace, in his flesh he has made both groups (Jew and Gentile, slave and master, pagan and Christian, theist and atheist) into one and has broken down the dividing wall, that is, the hostility between us.  He has abolished the law (seen as setting apart the Jews from the rest of the world) with its commandments and ordinances, that he might create in himself one new humanity in the place of two, thus making peace.” (2:14-15)

This might sound blasphemous, (many Christians have held this idea before) but I say take the welcoming action even a step further and redefine our theology.  The ultimate dividing line that exists in American Christianity today is the “heaven and hell” narrative.  “Where are you going to go when you die?” “Are you saved?” “Have you asked Christ to come into your life?” 

We need to abolish this narrative.  The redemption through Christ answers all of the questions for anyone.  The answer is that Christ is going to “gather up all things to him, things in heaven and things on earth.” (Ephesians 1:10)  I am talking about the pinnacle of welcoming one into the fold: the reality of universal redemption.  What I mean is, believe him or not, Christ redeems you.  

Universal redemption is the only metaphysical and theological finality that makes sense in the scheme of community.  It is the only one that can bring fulfillment of the new humanity.  It is how Christ makes peace.

And not only peace, but a happier population.  A more amicable one, because people can rest easy knowing that they are a part of the “in-crowd”.  Atheists and theists alike can set aside their days of being heavy-laden with worry and loneliness.  Because of Christ’s redemption, we are part of the whole.  It is the job of Christians to communicate that reality to people.  We don’t need to spread the message of how Christ sets us apart; we need to spread the message of how Christ brings us together.  It will transform our society.