Friday, September 24, 2010

Texas School Board Proposes Textbook Ban

Texas State school board proposes a ban on "pro-Islamic" and "anti-Christian" textbooks.  If you read the story, you will find that they feel too much of the book is spent on Muslim heritage, and not enough on Christian heritage.

In fact, the author of the proposal, Mr. Randy Rives, says that Muslim conquest is sugar-coated while the Crusades are painted brutally in some texts.

Seriously?  Are we really going to act like two year olds?  Pointing the finger saying "Well, Johnny was the one who threw the cat out the window!"  While Johnny says, "Bobby came up with the whole idea!"

Why don't we just admit that religions have been used for terrible violent things on both sides and not get into keeping score.

Also, these are books read by American students.  Part of the reason they DON'T NEED equal time spent discussing Christian history is that there are 3 churches right down the street from where they read the textbook.  We have accessibility to Christian culture, we don't necessarily have it to Muslim culture.

Next thing you know, we will have a ban on math books that spend too much time discussing Arab based Algebra and not enough time talking about  Western Anglo-Saxon Calculus.

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